I just wanted to take a moment to wish you a happy new year. I hope this year brings you hope, joy, and peace of mind and heart. We are all still adapting to a new way of the world, and it hasn't been easy for many of us. Please continue to stay safe and well, and protect each other in these uncertain times. Despite the distraction of immense changes outside of our control, I hope that you can attain your goals and find some satisfaction in changing what you can for the better.
The Novel shop is open again and I will be working hard on spreading the word about ethical consumerism this year, with Novel being an example of a small but growing business supported by truly amazing individuals that care about the impact they have on the world. You are all so special and I am blessed to be able to provide an alternative product to people who want to shop and live ethically. Thank you!
I have restocked with a few small changes:
The plain paper notebooks are now bound with the new 20mm binding rings instead of the solid 20mm discs. This does mean a price increase for the plain paper notebooks but you will still save money compared to buying components individually, and as always the option is still there to buy the solid 20mm discs and any other notebook bits that you prefer from the Novel shop.
Plain paper refills are back in stock at a reduced price of £3 to bring them in line with the rest of the refill range.
Unfortunately due to COVID restrictions, the effects of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, and Royal Mail's significant price hike for postage prices, there are now huge knock on effects for UK businesses and customers. Novel postage prices have had to be increased to cover the cost of shipping. Stock is limited as there are currently delays with sourcing some materials and packaging. Please also expect delivery delays for all your online orders as Royal Mail and other delivery companies process the backlog.
If you are concerned about ordering at the moment, please email contact@novelnotes.co.uk to reserve any items for delivery at a later date. Otherwise I will be dispatching as usual whilst stocks last, and I will try to restock as supplies become available. Your patience is very much appreciated.
Not wanting to leave you on a negative note, here is a picture of a festive kitty.

Thanks again for your support in 2020. Wishing you the best for the new year, and happy planning! Check out this post for info on Novel Plans - maybe it can help in getting 2021 rolling in the right direction... Or if you are feeling really stuck right now, perhaps you need some Tips on How to Set Goals Whilst Plummeting into The Void?
I'm always keen to hear your tips, suggestions, and advice, so feel free to comment on this post or contact me on the usual social channels. And if you have any queries about Novel, discbound things, or fancy a chat about the state of the world, I'd be happy to help.
- Alex
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